Sunday, December 3, 2017

Little Town + Les Petits Stockings : :

Little Town & Les Petites Stockings

When it came time to begin my holiday sewing I had to include my friend Amy Sinibaldi's beautiful winter themed collection for Art Gallery Fabrics, Little Town, an adorable collection that captures so perfectly the joy and beauty of the season!

Little Town by Amy Sinibaldi

Isn't this such a sweet collection for holiday sewing?! Right when these fabrics arrived I envisioned using Little Town & Amy's Les Petits collection of blenders that she designed to coordinate effortlessly with her lines, to make a set of new stockings and I'm so glad that I made time to stitch a few up!

Little Town & Les Petites Stockings

I couple of years ago I created my go-to stocking pattern by tracing an x-large stocking that I had purchased before I began sewing. The shape and generous size of this style of stocking is by far my favorite that I've seen. I don't mind one bit using the same pattern over and over again, year after year because the fun comes from the different patchwork that I use for each. For these Little Town stockings I used the new Friendship Braid qayg that I've been experimenting with lately. I really love how these turned out!

Linen, Twine, Fabric and Felt Flowers

For each stocking I made one of my flower cluster ornaments using Amy's fabrics, wool blend felt, AGF linen, ric rac and handmade fabric twine. These extra embellishments take some time to make, but I love the way the look hanging from each stocking loop!

Linen, Twine, Fabric and Felt Flowers

Linen, Twine, Fabric and Felt Flowers

I ended up making four more of these Little Town + Les Petits stockings and this morning added them to my Etsy shop. I'm so glad I wasted no time to begin my holiday sewing this year, because now I have time to make lots more of these pretty stockings!

Little Town & Les Petites Stockings

Now through December 5th I'm offering free shipping on all domestic orders in my Etsy shop with coupon code: FREESHIP! This includes these new holiday stockings, handmade pillows & quilts, 1yd scrap bundles, birthday crowns, etc.. I plan to add new items daily throughout the sale, I hope you'll stop by!

xo Maureen 


  1. This stocking is so cute. I love the pattern, and the fabrics very much.
    Your added embellishments are beautific!

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    because now I have time to make lots more of these pretty stockings...

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