Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting there : :

Yesterday I started packing up my sewing room, finally.

Fabric is heavy!

It's a complete mess right now, in that in-between state, as I go through and sort each of things I've collected in here. It feels, right now, like it's going to take me forever, but I know it won't. Today, I'm pretty certain we'll be moving mid next week, and we can. not. wait. until this is over!

Things are beginning to look empty in here this morning!

Empty fabric crates

When I'm not packing, I'm trying my best to keep up on my etsy orders. I thought about closing my shop, but the excitement of saving to buy a new rug and finally some artwork for OUR first walls, motivates me to keep on making!! Hanging that first picture is going to feel so, so good!

Yesterday's crowns

Besides keeping at my reach the supplies I need for my orders, I have a little table for my out-going mail and orders.

My happy mail table!

And, I've decided to keep out my holiday fabrics...just because! I am 100% sure I won't find any time this final week to begin any Christmas sewing, but they make me happy! And even more, they stir in me that Christmas-y spirit of decorating and making that I love this time of year!

Don't they make you happy, too!

Christmas fabrics

How about this one?! This is from the new holiday collection, Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Marissa and Creative Thursday, from The Intrepid Thread. He's perfect!!

Holy cuteness!

Honestly, this move is really getting so emotional for me lately. It has been for a little more than a week now. I'm sure that being exhausted and all of the others things happening in our lives right now, adds to that tremendously. Add in the enormity of this dream finally coming true for our little family -- we are so close!

Of course, there are so many things I want to share, but I could never find the words right now. Just know that the encouragement and support I get from having this place to share is so HUGE! Thank you for stopping by, for taking the time to connect with me, and for supporting me in this creative work that I love SO much! So many of you are the ones who keep telling me to keep dreaming big!! Thank you! Maureen


  1. Packing up is so hard. All those emotions bubbling up when you pick up something that holds vivid memories. Get someone in there to help you, keeps you on track and distracted from those precious memories filling the time.

  2. Make sure you get the rest you need, that is so important in stressfull times. Praying that all will go well with the move.

    1. Thank you!! I really appreciate that. I feel like we're in the final sprint before we finish. :)

  3. <3 it will be really ok. I have faith that you will make it though. Moving is tough. Its a life transition that evokes much emotion. Stay super hydrated and try (yes, I know...) to get good sleep. I am so excited for you!!

    1. More than anything we are SO excited!! Thank you, Jacqueline!!

  4. Oh, yes, those fabrics, and quilt behind, are very uplifting! If you can,make a little happy pile at the other end to help you transition! Get your sleep, drink your water, put one foot in front of the other--yay! You'll be done by Christmas!

  5. Just keep swimming....just keep swimming.... =D

  6. Oh the other hand, you really get to see what you've got and that's always fun! I moved 3 years ago and found things I hadn't thought of in a while. Got rid of lots of things too.
    So exciting to be moving into a new home ~ so many new possibilities!

  7. once you are all moved into your NEW house and everything is put away you will look back and think it wasn't that bad... i love that you are keeping beautiful things out to keep your spirits up and i love that you are always thinking of making. i love that little santa. he is super cute. that box of indie is so gorgeous! thinking of you friend! xo

  8. you will be in your new house before you know it. glad for you

  9. That packing of your sewing room is the saddest thing I've ever seen.
    Your young and I promise you... this is one of many adventures you will get through and be able to smile about later.
    Cheers from Oshawa Ontario.

    1. Thank you Brenda! More than anything we are thrilled!! We're so close! :)

  10. I am no where there!! Can't find the time, juggling a fulltime job too. But I will. Really!!

  11. Keep breathing! Very excited for you and you'll be unpacking all these things in a great new place, which will hopefully ease the discomfort and pangs of nostalgia as you do the packing.

  12. Blessings to your family in your new house! Love your comments and posts. Thanks, Gayle in Michigan.

  13. Sure wish I was there to help you! I LOVE packing & painting. Odd, am I not?!!!!! Living w/ a Sailor, I have become a "Master Packer"!!!!

  14. Remember to breathe and it's ok to cry! Very emotional time for you but excitement and happiness will win over! I love a good cry every now and then so you go ahead!

  15. So excited for you! Packing and moving is a bummer, but just think of how you're going to set up your new room. It helps make packing a bit easier. Bless you guys in your new home!

  16. Moving is tough! No doubt about it! I have one more move in me before I die and then that's it! LOL! Good luck and I'm glad it's a happy move and now because you lost your home or anything. Love those Christmas fabrics!

  17. When we bought our first house, I cried when we painted the living room! For the first time EVER, I could have the color I wanted! I'm so excited for you!
    I love the idea of keeping out the Christmas fabric. I might just do that too! :)

  18. Hang in there. UNpacking is so much better than packing and doesn't seem to take nearly as long, if you don't count those boxes that never get unpacked! And the ones that end up being marked misc. because you're sure you'll remember what's in those. Right!!

    1. I've actually been labeling the last of the boxes "random stuff" LOL

  19. Can't wait to see you all settled in your new place!! If the thought of leaving behind memories is part of the emotion, you should do what a friend of mine did - she stood up on a chair in a closet & wrote a list of all the things their first house had meant to them, on the wall inside the closet, above the door... it still makes her happy to know that someone someday will come across it!

  20. Good luck with the packing & the moving process. I'm sure unpacking fabric & craft supplies will be way more enjoyable!

  21. I always love the unpacking process. I like finding that perfect spot in the new place for everything. And as your familiar things fill your new house, it becomes your new home.

  22. I hate packing so much, I haven't moved in 34 years! (Seriously--they'll have to carry me out of here! However, it is my husband's family home, and my grandbaby in the other half of my house is generation #7 to live here!) What I really want to know is,,,,,did you find any fabric you had forgotten about?
    Get plenty of rest, and take it easy on yourself. Moving is stressful.

  23. good luck with all the final packing, Maureen. I'm so very glad and excited for you, what a wonderful, yet stressful transition it must be.

  24. Hello, sweet friend! I know you are so ready to be done with the move. It will be here before you know it! And it's nice you can continue to make a few things while you wait! I love that new little Santa guy. Cute, cute!

  25. Absolutely adore the owl costume from the other day, so cute! Hope the move goes well, I'm sure you can't wait now!

  26. Wishing you all the best in your new home. Congratulations!

  27. Thinking about you- you are so close.

  28. Blessings on you in your new home. May it be filled with many years of happy memories for you and your family.


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