Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sewing Buttons 101 { A Pictorial } : :

Yesterday, after a couple hours of shoveling snow and one really hard, but hilarious fall -- yup, that's me, we sat down together to teach the kids how to sew on a button. It was really fun and as usual, we were really impressed with how quickly they understood what to do, all by themselves, with just a little guidance.


Here is what we did -- in pictures....

thimble.devil horns

the boys
helping haila
jacob sewing
kaiden sewing
haila finished

jacob finished

kaiden finished

This picture is the last one I took -- you can tell that they were completely goofy at this point and when I had suggested that they stand together just a little closer and at the count of three they all say "I can sew on a button!" they all went something like. "Gaaahhhh! Eeeeek! Aaaaaahhhh!!!"


Things to teach the kids : :
  1. Sew on a button.

Update : Two of the kiddos button trees have become little pillows and one is still on the hoop as a decoration. You can see more pictures here. It was a great project! Enjoy!!


  1. Those are adorable! I love the project idea :)

  2. They did such a marvelous job ! I love each of their projects. Now when the time comes for them to head off to college, you'll know that they'll be able to sew a button back on.

    Boy did they have a lovely selection of beautiful buttons to choose from, that is quite a collection.

  3. What a cute project (and practical life skill too)! They all look so proud with their finished projects.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. What a great project and they had fun too!

    You have a LOT of buttons!

    Have a wonderful day!


  5. Awesome Maureen - your kids will have so many wonderful memories!!!

  6. Wow! They did a great job...and what a great skill to have. I think I have button stash envy...I thought I had lots, but geez girl...cool buttons...(and I have a feeling you may have more that didn't grace the photos) ;-)

    Happy Tuesday!

  7. SO cute ...I always tell my sons a girl love sa boy with life skills!

  8. Thanks everyone! I think I am going to teach them the back stitch next, they really enjoyed it!

    And, yes I am outing myself as a button hoarder! I have lots of vintage still on the cardboard, too. And of course, those "special" buttons tucked away. :)

  9. I love your tree idea! I taught my daughters by giving them a piece of fabric and free reign in the button tin, but didn't really have anything to show for when they were done, other than a bunch of buttons on fabric. My girls loved learning, and they both sew now and one has a successful sewing business be prepared!

  10. Stopping over from We Play. What a great family activity! Love the tree idea too! Kerri

  11. love the boys sewing on buttons, that is awesome! what a great way to make it into a family activity.

  12. Fantastic! They look great. We are just about to embark on some toddler embroidery using plastic mesh vegetable bags :) I look forward to doing this with my daughter when she's a bit older.

  13. This is a beautiful idea! Thanks for the inspiration...combines my two loves - buttons and trees!!

    Dropping over from the Childhood 101 we play link up.


  14. Such a cute and doable project. Thanks, Maureen!

  15. I want to come live at your house! I am constantly in awe and slightly jealous of all your supplies, and I think you have very lucky kids.

  16. oh my gosh- how cute are they?? :)

  17. What an awesome craft project. I love it and the kids are adorable!

  18. what a wonderful idea! I second AlmostPrecious -- I know so many people who can't repair their own clothes, including buttons. These kids wil be all set! And what a great idea to make it not a chore but an art project!

    [also, hilariously, the word verification for me was "momma"]

  19. Super cute button trees. Such a great idea!

  20. You took a task that is essentially dreaded and turned it into a fun project. Smart!

  21. Love the button tree idea too. Nothing like a fun creative approach to something that is otherwise pretty boring. I assume you've already taught them to wash dishes and dust? :)

  22. This is awesome! I love this idea and especially how the kids got to be so involved! They turned out so cute!

  23. I love the look of this little project... what a great idea!

  24. I love these trees. My 6 year old is making one now. What type of fabric did yours use? We are using a repurposed linen, and it seems to keep giving/stretching in the hoop. I love the look of linen, but it seems to keep proving hard to work with.

  25. You can check out my daughter's finished button tree here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2543784027107.135133.1028910486&type=1&l=ef5b1944ef
    She is currently making another one with orange buttons. She likes her thread to match her buttons, thus all the same colored buttons.

  26. Maureen -- just found your site! Love it! I've been charged with teaching 10 6-7 year old cub scouts the skill of "sewing on a button." Any advice for taking on that? I saw your youngest son may be of that age, and your daughter is younger. Any tips for thread/needle sizes?! Help!! Thank you!!

  27. Going to the store to buy some plain t-shirts for summer! We can decorate them with buttons! Thank you so much for the Idea! I do not use a thimble so I did not think of it when I told my 6 year old she could not sew yet!!! She has wanted to learn for sometime!

  28. Thank you for sharing - I too need this for my cub scout (6yrs) and my daughter (4yrs). Love this idea - better than just sewing 1 button onto a sock (boring). I'm not as advanced in the button business.. but I'm sure the store will appreciate my visit.
    I hope our completed project. Thank you for the idea.

  29. Love this little project. This will be great for an art project for my summer Freedom School Classes.after I teach a basic threading needle and knots. Thanks

  30. I love this! I plan to do it with our homeschool co-op. I would like to know what kind of needles you used and what kind of thread? Also, where can I get such an assortment of buttons for a low price?


    1. oops at first I thought you had used felt fabric... but it looks like canvas? right?

  31. That's great! I started a sewing busness a while ago (click here for more details) and it hasn't grown much since, but I just feel like I'm doing the right thing for myself. It feels amazing to earn from your passion!

  32. يبقى مؤسسات عدة في حائل مختصة في بخ الصراصير، وهذا لأن الصراصير من اهم الحشرات التي تنتشر على نحو سريع في البيوت وبكثرة لأنها تزداد بصورة سريعة وذلك يصعب الشأن في القضاء عليها وإبادتها على نحو ختامي، وهذا غير الأضرار التي تسببها الصراصير والأمراض المزمنة آثر نقل البكتيريا والجراثيم، ولذلك يبقى مؤسسات مختصة في مكافحة الصراصير بحائل.
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    ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. This is awesome! I love this idea.

  35. Love this little project. Thank you for sharing.

  36. افضل ستايل رجالى
    عادة ما يركز الرجال على التدريبات الخاصة بهم وينسون الانتباه إلى خزانة ملابسهم. هذا هو المكان الذي يتخلفون فيه. يحصلون على الجسد ولكنهم ينسون نقل شخصيتهم بشكل صحيح. دعونا نلقي نظرة على العديد من الأشياء الضرورية لخزانة ملابس الرجال:

    افضل ستايل رجالى

    1. السترات

    آخر ما وصل إلى متاجر أزياء الرجال هو السترات الواقية من الرصاص. هذه هي الإصدارات الأكثر برودة من المعاطف. هذه مصنوعة من الجلد ولها أنماط كلاسيكية. يمكن أن تكون هذه على مدار الساعة - سواء في العمل أو مع الأصدقاء. إلى جانب كونها مريحة ، فإنها تعطي شخصية أنيقة للشخص. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فهي خفيفة الوزن جدًا ويمكن ارتداؤها بسهولة شديدة في أي وقت.

    2. ممزق الدينيم

    الجينز الممزق هو الأحدث في الأناقة. تضيف القصات النحيفة وبعض التفاصيل المتعبة مظهرًا رائعًا إلى الزي. أصبح هذا النمط الرجالي المعروف أيضًا باسم أسلوب المرآب شائعًا للغاية ويصور موقفًا خالٍ من الرعاية. لإطلالة غير رسمية ، يمكن إقرانها بقمصان منقوشة وأحذية رياضية.

    3. القمصان المطبوعة

    كانت هذه واحدة من المفاجآت. يفضل معظم الرجال القمصان العادية أو القمصان ذات التصاميم الكلاسيكية. لكن القمصان المطبوعة لها أيضًا بعض المعجبين حول العالم. تم نشر المطبوعات الزهرية والعرقية من خلال مدارج الموضة. أصبح اتجاه تي شيرت الجيب المتباين مشهورًا جدًا.

    اكسسوارات رجالى وساعات

    4. الجينز الأبيض

    هذه تبدو جيدة بشكل خاص على الرجال الذين كانوا يمارسون الرياضة كثيرًا مؤخرًا. هذه تمنحهم فرصة مثالية للتباهي بجسمهم المتناغم. تبدو رائعة مع تي شيرت برقبة على شكل V وحذاء قارب.

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