It's Community Sampler sew-along Wednesday!
![Community Sampler with Block Setting](
For those of you that are new to my blog, Sharon Holland and I are co-hosting this block-of-the-week community sew-along, and you can visit my Community Sampler Page above in my tabs bar to retrieve all of the released PDF's so far to jump in anytime! We're so thrilled to have so many sewing with us once again!
![Community Sampler Sew-Along](
Today's PDF for week thirteen is -- Block Setting. Yes it's time to turn all of our pretty blocks into a top! This week we'll choose our background fabric and we'll follow the PDF instructions to cut the pieces needed to set our blocks on-point into a quilt top. If you're in need of extra visuals for this week's Community Sampler instructions, be sure to visit Sharon's blog today to see her step by step how-to for setting our blocks!
![Community Sampler Week No. 13](
For my Community Sampler background fabric I'm using Art Gallery Fabrics Pure Element Solid in Grapefruit. I love this color paired with my Love Story fabrics, the collection I used to create each of my Community Sampler Blocks!
![PE in Grapefruit](
From the background fabric we'll cut twenty-one 9 1/2" squares diagonally.
![Cutting Half Squares](
Four diagonal cuts of the background fabrics will then be added to each of the square blocks, and two diagonal cuts added to the half-blocks, that we created throughout our sampler to set all of our blocks on-point!
![Block Setting](
Keep working until all of the blocks are in the background setting, arranging them in an order that looks balanced and that you're happy with. Because I stuck pretty closely to the mock-up that I created in the beginning of this sew-along, I was able to keep my blocks in the order I made them in. Easy, peasy!
Here's a look at my blocks arranged on the floor of my sewing studio. I had a design wall for about two weeks, but now I'm back to using my floor space once again!
![Ready To Assemble](
![Community Sampler Assembly](
Once all of my blocks were in the block setting, I sewed my three rows together to make my top!
![Community Sampler Quilt Top](
I'm so happy with the grapefruit solid I chose to be my background!
![Love Story Blocks](
Last night after dinner we took my top to the park behind our house for some pretty shots. It's been raining here in Pa for days, so everything is finally green and starting to bloom!
![Community Sampler in Love Story](
This week takes a bit longer than previous weeks when we were making the blocks, so be sure to give your self some extra time. I did all of my cutting and added my block settings to half of my blocks Monday evening, and it took me another few ours yesterday morning to finish my block settings and assembly.
I'm so happy with how my Love Story Community Sampler is coming together!
![Community Sampler in Love Story](
I'm excited to see your tops this week! When you share on Instagram use the hashtag #CommunitySampler and be sure to tag @sharonhollanddesigns and myself @maureencracknell so we can be sure to see your beautiful Community Samplers!
![Community Sampler with Block Setting](
For those of you that are new to my blog, Sharon Holland and I are co-hosting this block-of-the-week community sew-along, and you can visit my Community Sampler Page above in my tabs bar to retrieve all of the released PDF's so far to jump in anytime! We're so thrilled to have so many sewing with us once again!
![Community Sampler Sew-Along](
Today's PDF for week thirteen is -- Block Setting. Yes it's time to turn all of our pretty blocks into a top! This week we'll choose our background fabric and we'll follow the PDF instructions to cut the pieces needed to set our blocks on-point into a quilt top. If you're in need of extra visuals for this week's Community Sampler instructions, be sure to visit Sharon's blog today to see her step by step how-to for setting our blocks!
![Community Sampler Week No. 13](
For my Community Sampler background fabric I'm using Art Gallery Fabrics Pure Element Solid in Grapefruit. I love this color paired with my Love Story fabrics, the collection I used to create each of my Community Sampler Blocks!
![PE in Grapefruit](
From the background fabric we'll cut twenty-one 9 1/2" squares diagonally.
![Cutting Half Squares](
Four diagonal cuts of the background fabrics will then be added to each of the square blocks, and two diagonal cuts added to the half-blocks, that we created throughout our sampler to set all of our blocks on-point!
![Block Setting](
Keep working until all of the blocks are in the background setting, arranging them in an order that looks balanced and that you're happy with. Because I stuck pretty closely to the mock-up that I created in the beginning of this sew-along, I was able to keep my blocks in the order I made them in. Easy, peasy!
Here's a look at my blocks arranged on the floor of my sewing studio. I had a design wall for about two weeks, but now I'm back to using my floor space once again!
![Ready To Assemble](
![Community Sampler Assembly](
Once all of my blocks were in the block setting, I sewed my three rows together to make my top!
![Community Sampler Quilt Top](
I'm so happy with the grapefruit solid I chose to be my background!
![Love Story Blocks](
Last night after dinner we took my top to the park behind our house for some pretty shots. It's been raining here in Pa for days, so everything is finally green and starting to bloom!
![Community Sampler in Love Story](
This week takes a bit longer than previous weeks when we were making the blocks, so be sure to give your self some extra time. I did all of my cutting and added my block settings to half of my blocks Monday evening, and it took me another few ours yesterday morning to finish my block settings and assembly.
I'm so happy with how my Love Story Community Sampler is coming together!
![Community Sampler in Love Story](
I'm excited to see your tops this week! When you share on Instagram use the hashtag #CommunitySampler and be sure to tag @sharonhollanddesigns and myself @maureencracknell so we can be sure to see your beautiful Community Samplers!
Using #CommunitySampler hashtag will also automatically enter you in the weekly IG Giveaway pool! Remember that your Instagram account does need to be a public account for your post to show up in the Instagram hashtag pool. But please don't worry, if you don't have Instagram or you'd like to keep your account private, we will also be hosting the same giveaway prize, alternately between Sharon's and my blog, so you can choose how and where to enter each week!
![Thank you, Sponsors!](
Be sure to check back here on Friday for more info on this week's Community Sampler Giveaway with our wonderful sponsor Fat Quarter Shop!
xo Maureen
So exciting to get to this point and see the quilt top all together. I haven't started mine yet, but I have all the information. Thanks for sharing all this!
ReplyDeleteOh, I love your fabric choice.
ReplyDeleteSoooo pretty Maureen. This really looks lovely. I enjoyed the video with the rushing water. I am in Northern Virginia and we are also getting deluged with rain every day
ReplyDeleteYour finished top is so inspiring
Community sampler gives lots of ideas.
ReplyDeleteI really like your quilt top, so nice in pink instead of the usual white.
ReplyDeleteVoilà une description qui donne envie... Je le note dans un coin ! :)
ReplyDeleteconsultation voyance gratuite
ReplyDeleteUn petit pour vous dire que votre blog est super!
voyance gratuite en ligne
شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض و هذه الشركة تعمل على توفير العديد من الخدمات المتخصصة في التنظيف و مكافحة الحشرات ، و على رأسها الفئران ، و ذلك عن طريق استخدام احدث التقنيات التي تعمل على التعرف على أماكن شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض، هذا فضلا عن توفير مبيدات مميزة تعمل على إبادتهم ،.
ReplyDeleteو هذه الشركة توفر دراسات على كافة أنواع الحشرات ، و من خلال هذه الدراسات يتم التعرف على مختلف انواع الأجهزة الحديثة ، و المبيدات العصرية التي تعمل على إزالة الحشرات و قتلها ، كما أن هذه الشركة تعمل على توفير العديد من الخدمات لمختلف أنحاء السعودية.
شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
تدرك شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض تمامًا أن تنظيف المنازل وخاصة القصور لم يعد سهلاً كما كان من قبل لأنه بسبب مساحة القصر الكبيرة ووفرة الأمتعة وقيمتها العالية ، لم تعد ربات البيوت أو الخادمات قادرين على ذلك. لتنظيفها بشكل احترافي وتحتاج واجهات القصور إلى تنظيف أيادي محترفة في التنظيف ، لذلك تساعد الشركة فريقها في تنظيف القصور والمنازل والشقق باحترافية عالية ، لأن شركتنا منظمة تنظيف احترافية متكاملة ، فنحن مساعدتكم الصحيحة لتحقيق أفضل مستوى نظافة ، مستوى مناسب لعملائنا الكرام واسم شركتنا العظيمة.
شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض
كيفية تنظيف الستائر
إذا كان ملامسة البخار آمنًا ، استخدم منظفًا بالبخار ، وإذا لم يكن آمنًا ، رش الستائر بمحلول مكون من كوب واحد من الخل وكوبين من الماء. غسالة أو يدوية: قم بإزالة الستارة من النافذة ، ثم تخلص من المعدن المعلق. اقرأ التعليمات والإرشادات الخاصة بتنظيف الستائر واتبع الخطوات المناسبة لتنظيفها يدويًا أو بالغسالة. افرد الستائر بشكل مسطح على الأرض واستخدم ملحق المكنسة الكهربائية لإزالة الغبار والأوساخ عنها.إذا كانت الستائر رقيقة ، يمكن هزها بشكل كافٍ للتخلص من الغبار. ضعي ستارة في الغسالة ، واغسليها بماء بارد ومنظف ، ثم أزيليها على الفور ؛ لتجنب التجاعيد. لتنظيف الستائر التي تتطلب تنظيفًا يدويًا ، مثل الصوف والقطن والأقمشة الرقيقة ، صب الماء البارد في حوض واخلطه بملعقة صغيرة من سائل غسيل الأطباق ، ثم انقع ستارة في المحلول لمدة عشر دقائق ، وحرك الستارة أثناء ذلك. فترة.
ثمّ يصفى الحوض، ويعاد ملئه بالماء النظيف لشطف الستارة مع تحريكها أثناء ذلك للتخلص من الصابون بالكامل، ويمكن إعادة الشطف مرة أخرى حسب الحاجة. تجفيف الستارة بالمجفف على حرارة منخفضة، أو تعليقها على النافذة أو حبل الغسيل في حال تمّ غسلها يدوياً ويجب عصرها جيداً قبل تعليقها
شركة تنظيف ستائر بالرياض