Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Criss Cross Diamond Quilt Top : :

Etno Quilt Morning

I'm on quite a roll with these quilt-as-you-go quilts! This one felt slow-going at times. I've never. ever. made a quilt like this one with so many identical, repetitive blocks. Thirty-six in all! Typically this style of quilting doesn't keep my interest, but these colorful, unique Etno prints have so much energy, which really pushed me along! Doesn't it look beautiful this morning?!

Etno Quilt Morning Light

Last night I sewed together each of my thirty-six, 13.5" blocks and became more and more excited about my design as it grew!

Criss Cross Diamond Block No. 1

Etno Quilt Top

I had named this pattern my Criss Cross Diamond Quilt before ever cutting into the fabrics. It's one of the many quilt pattern ideas I've put to paper in a new graph style sketchbook that I picked up several weeks ago. Since I usually make my quilts up as I go, I'm finding this process of sketching and carrying out each drawing into a finished quilt extremely rewarding. I can see how it's making me better and that feels good!

Etno Quilt Top

I love these Prisma Element diamonds created within my pattern! Such happy bursts of color!

Etno Quilt Diamond

Can you see the criss cross pattern within my Etno patchwork squares?

Etno Quilt Criss Cross

Looking through my pictures this morning, I can imagine this quilt being made with many other fabric collection, in so many different color combinations! I would love to see a low volume patchwork with a denimy blue diamond combination. I think that would be really pretty! Is there a color combo or fabric collection you'd like to see in the quilt pattern?

I'm hoping to have this one finished sometime next week and then I plan to begin another in this same pattern right away! I'm so glad I made this one quilt-as-you-go, for many reasons, but most of all because of it's size. This finished 79" sqaure quilt top measures BIG when compared to most of the single throw size quilts I make! Since the quilt top is already quilted to the quilt batting, attaching the backing should go quick and I'm already wondering where we should take it for pictures? It's much too big for Kevin to hold up on his own, so we'll have to get creative, hmn?

This one is BIG!

Be sure to stop back tomorrow for a colorful, new fabric Giveaway! Happy sewing!! ♡ Maureen


  1. How about a pattern Maureen? QAYG for a quilt this size would be wonderful, but I'm not sure how you did it......

  2. This is really so pretty! I like it as a rug, too! Love your kitty there, also :-)

  3. Love it, great use for 2.5" squares and 1.5" strips!

  4. Love the quilt. I really love the center square (diamond) that is formed. The colors really pop!

  5. Oh glad to hear you are making a pattern of this one--I love it! hugs, Julierose

  6. Hi there!
    I just love seeing both your doggie and kitty in the same pic. Mine sleep with us; two big dogs and one bossy cat!
    I'd love to see this fun quilt in burgundy/gold tones for the centers (strips) radiating out to pinks/yellows... maybe i'll get the nerve to try!
    It's lovely.

  7. Wow it turns out so pretty! I love the colorful diamonds pattern! Sooooo... I was wondering if you were planning on making a tutorial to make this diamond string block? That would be amazing! :)

  8. so prettty! I would love to make a scrappy quilt using this pattern :)

  9. It's looking great, colourful, pretty, vibrant - now waiting to see how you put it all together :)

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! !!! I want to make one. I have most of the fabrics and some Wild and Free to go in there, too! Sew excited! Your quilts are so inspiring! I have never sewn a quilt as you go before........I think I will love it!!!!!!!

  11. Maureen you are amazing! You are so inspirational and I will be trying this when you share the tutorial (which by the way is so generous of you!). For all the work you do you should sell patterns. I would totally buy them. I've done your other QAYG methods and it really does make a difference in ease of putting together. Your house is lovely and inviting. Thanks again for all your share with us on your blog ;c)

  12. this is a very gorgeous quilt--you have knocked yourself out this time in making such a stunning quilt.

  13. That is such a good idea. I have scraps of paper with ideas scattered all over the place and end up forgetting what I did.

  14. I was just going to compliment you on the totally cool rug :) Your quilt is beautiful - I especially love the string corners!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Love the quilt--and your perfectly posed cat and dog.
    But a question. Why not quilt as you go to a piece of backing? Doesn't sewing with the batting on the feed dogs create a lot of fuzz? And jam up the machine?

  17. That is a beautiful quilt top! I'm usually not a fan of so much going on in fabrics, but this works wonderfully together. Can't wait to see what you do the next time you make this pattern!

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  19. Wow! Beautiful, powerful and I love it!

  20. It looks so happy on the floor and makes your living room look so inviting!

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    نحن نمنح قروضا للأفراد والشركات من حجم كبير من قطاعات المشاريع ، مثل الطاقة والطاقة ، والبناء ، والزراعة ، والاستحواذ ، والرعاية الصحية أو المستشفيات ، والعقارات ، والنفط والغاز ، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، والنقل ، والتعدين ، والنقل البحري ، والتصنيع ، والتعليم ، والفنادق ، إلخ.

    من فضلك لا تتردد في التواصل لمناقشة احتياجاتك الخاصة واستكشاف كيف يمكننا مساعدتك في تحقيق أهدافك المالية.

    البريد الإلكتروني للاتصال:

    رقم الواتساب: 0013016151350

    شكرا لك على التفكير فينا.

  27. أنا ممتن جدًا لمؤسسات الإقراض على إعطائي قرضًا بقيمة 5000.00 يورو، لقد كنت مدينًا لسنوات، لذلك أبحث عن قرض بسجل ائتماني صفري وقد ذهبت إلى العديد من المؤسسات المالية للمساعدة ولكن الجميع رفضوني بسبب نسبة ديوني المرتفعة وسجل الائتمان المنخفض، لقد بحثت في الإنترنت ولم أستسلم أبدًا، لقد قرأت وتعلمت عن مؤسسات الإقراض في إحدى مدوناتي، لقد اتصلت بمؤسسات الإقراض عبر البريد الإلكتروني ( معتقدًا أن قرضي قد مُنح في بداية هذا العام وعاد الأمل مرة أخرى، ثم أدركت أن شركات الإقراض ليست كلها
    على المدونة مزيفة حقًا لأن جميع ديوني المالية قد تم حلها، والآن لدي قيمة كبيرة جدًا ومشروع تجاري يحسد عليه، لا يمكنني الاحتفاظ بهذا لنفسي لذلك يجب أن أبدأ بمشاركة
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