Wednesday, March 26, 2014

An Artifact Uprising Photobook { and GIVEAWAY! } : :

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

I still feel so very new to Instagram and often like a rookie when it comes to quilting. It's been just a little more than two & a half years since I finished my very first quilt and I truly feel that I didn't really "get it" until just this last year. Still, I'm sure it's clear, I love them both -- making quilts and the sharing that comes after! Having such special ways to document and show who I am, what I love, and how I learn & grow as an artist is so incredible! This journey has been a dream come true in countless ways and is constantly being made more amazing. From each new beautiful fabric collection to come out that I just have to sew with, to the new friends I've made from all over the globe, to the extraordinary opportunities that have come my way!

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

Today I'm so very excited to share with you, perhaps for the first time, a company that truly cares about how much our type of work matters, Artifact Uprising. Their mission is to breathe creativity, passion and community back into our stories and their products are as beautiful as their mission! At Artifact Uprising you'll find photobooks, postcards, calendars, and prints all printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper and all of their wooden products are made from fallen waste wood.

In their words..

" Artifact Uprising // Inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible / bettered by a community of inspired storytellers / driven by the belief everyone has a story to tell. Tell On."

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

Pictured throughout this post is the 50-page hardcover book that I’ve created special for my quilt & photo work from this last year. The quality is so beautiful, each photo so clear. I’m so happy to have this book as a keepsake for myself & family! And, I'm extra happy to share that Artifact Uprising is generously offering a custom 50-page hardcover book in today's special giveaway! 

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

An Artifact Uprising Photobook

Enter to win your very own 50-page hardcover book today!

Here's how,
1. Simply fill in the form below! (one entry)

Enter now through Wednesday, April 2nd. The winner will be chosen and I will announce their name, at the bottom of this post, here on the blog!  
There's no doubt that these photobooks will become a tradition for me and something to look forward to making at the end each year! How about, what type of photobook would you like to make? I always love reading your ideas!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Thank you to all who entered the Giveaway!! From all the entries, winner is... 

 Cindy Maki  * 

Congratulations, I'll be in touch shortly!   


  1. Your quilts as well as your photography are absolutely beautiful. The way you photograph your work is sure worthy of being in a book for future generations to see and appreciate. Keep up the good work & thanks for sharing with us! ;)
    Debby E

  2. Your work is beautiful Maureen! The great picture just honor your wonderful quilt! I love your site, your giveaways and your pleasant approch with all of us! Keep your great job!

  3. What a stunningly beautiful book and such a beautiful way to honour your beautiful quilts and your beautiful photography. I really wish this one was open outside the US but I am not sure what I would put in one if I did win. Maybe I can make a challenge to myself to take more "book worthy" photo's of my projects.
    Enjoy your beautiful beautiful book.

  4. WOW! Great collection of quilty pictures!

  5. What a wonderful idea to create a photo book of your work! Thank you for introducing this site to us. I am a big fan of tangible photos. Framed pictures, photo albums, photo books are all important to me for sharing memories!

  6. I have often wanted to make a "blog book", especially of our first years in MT, when the boys were a bit younger :)Maybe just a book of the boys, now that I think of it....sweet giveaway...I will be giving this some serious thought :)

  7. Hi Maureen! I love your quilts and photos and to make a book from them is just perfect! This book looks fantastic and will be a treasure! x Teje

  8. I love photo books and have often thought of doing one of my quilts. Mine are not as lovely as yours and the scenery definitely not so good. But wow!
    I did try to enter the contest but it apparently only accepts entries if you have a FB account. I don't. I won't. :(
    Love your blog, though.

  9. I would like to try what you have done and make a yearly quilt book. Showing my progress and technics I've learned along with the quilts I've made. Thank you for the chance to win your book.

  10. I'd love to make a photo book of our wedding pictures! But I also love the idea of capturing a years worth of quilts as well. It would be a great coffee table book I think! Now if only I could get my photos to look as nice as yours!

  11. I've often wanted to make a photo book but have never taken the time. It looks gorgeous! I see no form to fill in - hopefully this comment will act as an entry! amycav at hotmail dot com

  12. Your book looks beautiful! I think a book of my grand children would be a nice keepsake

  13. A photobook of my little ones artwork that I take pictures of!

  14. Beautiful book…would love to create a keepsake book of my quilting projects...thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  15. The book looks amazing! I'd do a book about my family life for the year.

  16. My book would DEFINITELY be pictures of my boys because they love to flip through albums about themselves. :)

  17. Wow! I have wanted to print photos of my quilts, but since I am so new to quilting I couldn't fill a whole book! I would probably use it to showcase an upcoming trip to Hawaii!

  18. What a nice work (quilting AND book) ! I'm always stunned by your speed in sewing so many beautiful items ! With each time new ideas and arrangments... Keep going ! :)

  19. Wow, that book is great. I would love to make one for my husband who turns 60 this summer. What a neat thing that would be, documenting his life and his kids and grandkids.

  20. I'm thinking it would be family photos

  21. You have worked so hard to achieve all this. Congratulations!

  22. We adopted a baby girl from China, I have always wanted to make her book about her "journey"-- A special treasure just for her.

  23. I would make an album of the Photo sessions I did of my newly married sons' I did all the photos of the announcement and some photos of the Grandbabies that are great.

  24. We have a large fishfry every summer. there are between 60 and 80 people here for a potluck, fishfry, and swimming. I think a book like this would be good to keep photos from each years fry. You could look back and see who was here, who has passed on and is no longer with us, and watch the kids grow up thru the years. thanks for the chance for this book.

  25. I love the idea of a book of my creations...I just wish my pictures were a better quality.

  26. I would make one of each of my children's weddings (3)

  27. I'm with everyone else - what a great way to document a year's (or lifetime's) work. Congratulations on completing this collection and on your amazing progress over such a short time in the quilting world. You've made a huge impact on a lot of people's lives!!


  28. I use photobook for my grandaughter's year. This is coming up to the second now.

  29. I love your quilts so much, you are the reason I started quilting myself!

  30. I make your zig zag quilt, used blues, greens for the narrow rail and pinks, yellows for the larger rail. Also made it larger, 6" blocks. Turned out great, your quilt was my inspiration. Thanks for the pictures.

  31. Capturing my grandchildren and our times together would be my choice as developing a strong bond and sharing our minds and hearts with them is our calling!

  32. What a beautiful way to share your passion! I love the book, and I'd love to have it in my library. Very inspiring. Thank you!!

  33. What a beautiful book! It is so hard to believe the short time you've been quilting. You are truly an artist!

  34. Hi Maureen!

    This is such an awesome and different giveaway! What a great way to document all of the hard work we put into our hobbies, a.k.a. passions, and a great keepsake for us and our families later down the road. Thanks for tha chance to win one! I would love to make one o my quilts. I don't sew much else, mostly becasue I fell in love with making quilts when I was in seventh grade. (I didn't pick it back up again until college a few years ago.) I didn't and still don't want to sew much but quilts, becasue I love giving them away and knowing that my family and friends are being wrapped up, comforted, kept warm and reminded that they are loved by me and my quilts! I would absolutely make a quilt book keepsake from this Artifact Uprising giveaway! I may have to do that once a year or so, like a family photo album for my creativity!

    Thank you!
    Alex Hite :)
    a.lily.hite @ gmail dot com

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. would love to win. awesome idea, and thanks!

  37. What great photos and such a lovely way to present them

  38. A beautiful book, Maureen! What a great way to commemorate your quilting journey thus far!!! I think you take amazing photos. You are truly an artist.

  39. Wow your work is beautiful and the photography is wonderful. Great keepsake to pass on to the next generation. I have a quilt journal but , I like this idea better.

  40. Your quilts are amazing and inspiring. The photos of them are great. This is a great idea, you could even put the date and recipient if they were made for someone else. Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. wow, this is so beautiful!! Love your book and love that I found out about Artifact Uprising! I really want to make one of these books...problem is what to choose - my flower/nature photos, my quilt photos, my dog photos... ha ha! Not to mention that in my I will be grandma for the first time, so there will be TONS of baby photos too! :)
    Thank you for the inspiration and wonderful giveaway.

  42. This book sure would encourage us to make more quilts, right? I have 8 grandsons, so a few pages for them as well. Thanks for telling us about this.

  43. You are always inspiring. Thanks for always sharing with us.

  44. What a beautiful book. You do yourself proud. This will be something to be handed down through the generations.

  45. What a lovely way to capture your work ... I don't quite have 50 quilts made lol, but I sure do have plenty of pics of my girls that could fill those blank pages!

  46. Would love to have this book as a source of reference to flick through at times where inspiration is needed!

  47. What a great idea, and your quilts are gorgeous and alive and fresh! Thank you for sharing your talents.

  48. I love this concept! Thanks for sharing about it.

  49. Great idea and book can also be used as a coffee table book.

  50. nice and inspirating work ... Thank you

  51. A book featuring photos of my baby. I have only developed a handful of pictures of him and he is 15 months old!

  52. I would love to make a photo book of all the special items I have from my family that hold special memories, like my Mother's milking stool she used at age seven. Or the wicker buggy my Dad slept in over 90 years ago, or the library table he studied homework at when he started school. I have crochet thread from my Grandmother and the rocking chair she would crochet and rocked in. The chair has rocked many a babies as well as helping her ease thru her crochet work. I would include pictures of the quilts I have made and the pictures and stories behind each one. What a "Making Memories" book it would be!!!

  53. Maureen,
    Your work and photography is so amazingly beautiful! I'd buy your book just for inspiration! :)

  54. Beautiful work and photos... You've inspired me to make one too! Thanks for sharing!

  55. It would be so fun to win this book !!!
    Diane Gilbert

  56. What a lovely book of your quilts ~ it's a wonderful way to document all the work you've done.

    For Christmas, my son and dil made a book for me of all the flowers I had on instagram (there were a lot from last Spring). They told me they needed to get into my account for some photos they wanted that I'd taken of them. Sneaky of them but it's the most lovely and thoughtful gift I've gotten in a long time.

  57. Luv this idea, scrapbook-journals of all my quilts. Great idea! TIA! B-)

  58. Your talent is truly amazing!! I am just starting out, and you give me so much inspiration! I only hope that I can do the same for someone someday! Thank you!!
    Rose Swiokla

  59. what a great book! I, too, would document my quilting evolution!

  60. The book is beautiful and so is the work featured in it! I would love to win this and document our newborn daughter's first year in it. Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Looks like a great book, thanks for sharing!

  63. Such a lovely showcase for your work! I would work to put together a book showing my grandchildren as they discover their creativity.

  64. I'd like to create a book of me with my handiwork--crochet, cross stitch, knitting and quilts.

  65. I would love to create a book with my quilts!! I never knew something like this was even possible! Wow!

  66. Jeez. I'm not sure! Probably my Grandbabies first year!

  67. absolutely beautiful book; your quilts and photos are amazing

  68. I used artifact uprising before and highly recommend them! I love the idea of doing a book of quilts. I did one of our wedding and one of 2013. My next will be a book of quilts!

  69. I am so happy to have won this giveaway. I can barely wait to get started. In fact, I have started sorting some pictures already. Thanks for all you do, Maureen.


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