Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cocoon Sketching : :

Just as soon as the rest of my fabric arrives, I plan a fabric parade post! Hooray!! The only reason I asked about sharing it is because I went a bit over-board this last month, yes I'm feeling a tad guilty and even a little embarrassed about how much. Retail therapy at it's finest! 

Well, my gorgeous bundle of Valori Wells Cocoon has been patiently waiting for some action for a while now. Aren't they pretty?! 

Cocoon  Bundle from Sprightly Fabrics

When I placed my order with Sprightly Fabrics, I had this very specific idea in mind for a fussy cut mini quilt. Well, last night I finally got out my pencils and sketchbook, sat down, and sketched it out. Oh boy, it felt really, really good, to just sit and draw.

I had to look back through my archives to see when or if I ever shared a drawing here, and all I found was this post from March of 2010! How funny that the next post was the first time I started sewing, which of course explains why that was the one and only drawing shared!

my drawing partner

Drawing was my whole life before I had kids. Since I was a small child I wanted to be an illustrator. For Disney when I was really little, then for Top Cow when I was a young teenager, and then for myself when I was a bit older. For the last couple of years before I had Kaiden, I was really into portrait work. Then I become a Mama and I just stopped. For the most part, all the drawing I have done since has been for my kiddos and their cousins and their friends.

evening sketching with Kaiden & Cocoon

I knew the day would come when I would just feel like drawing again. Honestly, I was sure it would be when my littles were all in school. I was right!


I'm a little rusty, but boy did it feel good! I've had this idea since I hung that swatch from Julie up on my wall.  Finally getting it out on paper felt really good, too. It's such a meaningful drawing for me right now, with what I'm going through. Drawing brought such comfort, just as it always did before.

sketching out some ideas tonight

I stashed a little more of my favorite Cocoon print from the Intrepid Thread, and have plans to turn this idea into something sewn today. Well, just as soon as I fix my botched tote bag from yesterday! Yes, I ended up going with a tote after all. I decided on something I could finish and hopefully sell. Then I messed up the lining at the very end. In my scatter-brained state, I must have measured wrong and so I need to re-do it. So much for a quick finish, right?!

Cocoon Favorites from Sprightly Fabrics

As for my Cocoon sketch, I plan to finish it when my drawing partner is home and ready, but this is how I left it for now. I'm excited to begin to share this side of myself here and to see what happens when I start combining my love for sewing with my drawing. I hope you'll enjoy it, too!

how i left it

Today I'll leave you with a sweet and fitting quote from Hans Christian Andersen -- "Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."  

And wish a happy Thursday to all!!    Maureen 

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  1. That drawing is stunning already!
    And I love that you wanted to draw for Top Cow! I taught myself to draw by sketching Top Cow covers, over and over until they started to look right.
    I must say tho' that your drawing skills are far far past mine. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Makes me want to go dig out my stash of comics ;)

    1. I was obsessed with Witchblade and then Fathom! I am lucky to have gotten Michael Turner and his crew to sign a cover for me before he passed away. That's so cool that we have that in common!!

  2. Love the fabric. I believe you have some of the fabric I've chosen for my handbag.

    The butterflies are really cute!

  3. Looking forward to it -- you are super talented.

  4. First, I wanted to encourage to post that fabric! I lovelovelove looking at fabrics. They stir my imagination and seeing them put together in different packs or projects or just laid out in the sunlight makes me happy! I'm so glad you and other crafty bloggers post the "ingredients" of your creations.

    Second, there's something bittersweet about sending the youngest out into the big world. Bitter, because we lose that everyday infusion of sticky hugs and funny sayings that belong only to us. It's so hard to share! But sweet because we reacquire a part of ourselves that we'd poured into them. Now, we can pour it into a different area of creativity.

    1. Chrissie, that is so perfectly said! I am trying my best to embrace the time I will have now for myself, by putting that time into being more thoughtful and relaxed with my creating. I'm excited to see what will emerge!!

  5. Oh Maureen, your drawing is beautiful! It reminds me of my favourite White Stuff shirt that has a cute print of butterflies and jam jars (much more naive in style than your lovely piece mind you..)
    I've also just ordered some Cocoon prints and am (impatiently) waiting for them to make their way across the Atlantic.

    1. Thanks Chloe!! My kids reminded me of those fake plastic mason jars with the battery operated butterfly we saw in the big bulk store last year! When you tapped them, the butterfly would fly around like crazy. LOL

      Enjoy your Cocoon!!

  6. Oh Maureen, I can totally relate. I went to school at The School for the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and Tufts University. My focus was charcoal figure drawing and wheel throwing. Yup. Pottery. And I have found that no matter what direction my life takes, I always dream of the day that I can get a hold of those and start again.

    But I agree with previous posters. I feel that if we force being creative onto ourselves, a wall will develop. As an artist, I know that we all need to recognize the tides of our creativity and embrace them. When the current is strong, ride it, girl!! As the tide pulls out, be KIND to yourself and allow yourself to do another important aspect of creating - a break.

    Your drawings are beautiful, and I look forward to seeing more if they come. Otherwise it is good to know that the ones you've made have added to your personal and creative growth! xox

  7. Maureen, you are so incredibly talented!!!

  8. Beautiful drawing Maureen ~ you are so talented and glad you are sharing this side with us!

  9. Oh my word, Maureen, this is gorgeous! It's so great to see your sketches. My sister is an artist too who only rarely pulls out her drawing pencils now that she has two little ones to care for. I was so happy to hear her talking the other day about doing some sketching again soon. A gift like you two ladies have just shouldn't be wasted...

  10. This is beautiful Maureen! We can't wait to see more!! =D

  11. Love all those butterflies! What delicious line of fabric... And, you are super talented, I am amazed by the drawing!

  12. Wow, your artwork is amazing. I am always just so blown away when people can draw so realisticaly. I cannot, my dad can and my husband can. I love watching the process.

    Sending hugs just 'cause.

  13. Wow!!!!!! me too Heather. Maureen I hope you finish (I love it now) your art work as I am interested in seeing it finish. Hugs. Love the mixing of fabic and art.

    1. Thanks Josephine! I do have lots of my own ideas, but it was nice (and maybe even necessary :) for me to have some sort of picture resource to use since I am just starting again! Plus, I think it made for a nice segue since all of my readers are sewists!! :)

  14. Your drawing is beautiful. I drew when I was in high school, then stopped. Now I can't even draw to save myself.

  15. That is such a beautiful drawing! I love seeing the combination of your drawings with fabric and sewing, and I'd love to see more of that here on your blog. It's fascinating to see your creative process in addition to your completed projects.

    1. That's wonderful to hear, thank you Carin! I'm excited to see what taking the time to draw out and share my ideas might lead to. It was nice to spend that drawing time really planning out my project. I have always just dove right in and that always felt a little rushed. As if I needed to hurry up and get my idea out before it was gone forever. This felt really good, getting such great feedback feels even better!! Thanks again!

  16. Your drawing is beautiful. I can't draw and anyone who can. Give us more!


  18. I'm jealous. I wish I had your drawing skills!

  19. You are a gifted illustrator and a very talented crafts person. Combining two of your passions is wonderful! Wishing you many many years of success and happiness.

  20. My family used to go to Disney World for like, EVERY family vacation. I loved going on the studio tour in MGM and seeing the illustrators drawing and painting all the cels for the films. How sad was I when we went and it was all replaced with computer illustration programs!

    Welcome back :) this looks like it's shaping up to be a lovely project already.

  21. That is a beautiful sketch! And lovely fabric :)

  22. I didn't know you were so talented at sketching! I am not surprised though!

  23. All I have to say is.. It's about time!!

    xo Jenn

  24. You really have an eye for drawing. Keep up the excellent work!

  25. Oh the drawing is gorgeous, and your sketch work really shows in your fab pictorial quilts too, a natural progression as it were :o)

  26. I love your drawings, I really like how real they look, I wish I was half as good as you ^^)

  27. why don't you draw your own line of fabrics?
    I think this will work for sure! ^_^

  28. So excited to see where this is headed Maureen! It's beautiful!

  29. OMG the sketch is incredible, no wonder you wanted to be an illustrator! Those butterflies are gorgeous! A great collection to draw some inspiration from. =D

  30. Ooh so you're a woman of many talents I see!:) I know you feel scatterbrained right now but it won't be long at all til you have a routine and will be loving the time to yourself. It's like learning who you are all over again and getting a piece of yourself back.
    I'm really looking forward to see what fun projects you come up with!

  31. omgosh, that drawing is beautiful, i wish I had some of your talents, sheesh, you're a regular jack of all trades - beautiful work as always, cant wait to see more!!

  32. Maureen, such lovely work you do! I'm happy for you, that you've gotten back to doing something you love. And combining it with your growing love of quilting too! Can't wait to see your completed drawing/project.

  33. LOVE the drawings! SO good! Thanks for sharing!

  34. wow! You are VERY talented. I'm completely envious of people who can draw. I've always wanted to be able to do that. Ah well...I can do calculus pretty well instead. My left brain has a hold of me!

  35. Your drawing is exceptionally beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  36. I'd love to be able to draw like this. In my head I can but when I put pencil to paper it all goes wrong. Maybe one day you could design fabric?

  37. Are you going to have it made into fabric?

    1. For this drawing? No, I'm not planning on it. But I do have designing fabric on my dream list! I first need to get settled into my new life as a Mama at home alone, and to just get creating again after my little break! Baby steps... :)

  38. I have never been good with drawing realistically, but every so often my right brain kicks in and I can draw something that I like. I really love what you are doing and can't wait to see what you create.


  39. You are an incredible artist Maureen!

  40. Oh wow, Maureen, your drawings are amazing! You are so talented. Speaking to your prior posts that I didn't get a chance to comment on - I've been seeing so many mamas struggle around blogland with sending their little ones off to school, and I'm joining you all this year! I've got one more weekend before my little gal goes...sigh. She'll do great, I just can't believe it. Take care and hugs. Love seeing you explore different parts of your creativity!

  41. Amazing - thank you for sharing it with us - I love all these hidden artistic talents that people have. I really wish I had one of my own! You definitely have to pursue drawing again!

  42. Rubywine... colorful and more colorful.. lovely

  43. Uhhhh, wow! And how come you aren't designing fabric? You should talk to AGF. I'm sure you've noticed they're adding a bunch of designers right now, and I think your style would fit right in!

  44. Wow your drawing is amazing you have so much talent and share it so freely - thank you for the inspiration

  45. you are absolutely beautiful on the inside and out! your talent astounds me and i am sooo glad you are my friend! xoxoxo

  46. I love butterflies. I saw your pictures on Flickr and was totally in love with your sketch.

  47. I am envious of your drawing abilities. You are a woman of many talents. Thanks you for sharing. I look forward to your posts.

  48. You're amazingly talented! Butterflies should be your mascot. :) Beautiful all the way around!

  49. Follow you of cource on your blog

  50. I would make a messenger bag for my laptop with Cocoon. Love butterflies.

  51. Shared you on my quilting forum. :D

  52. Your drawing skills are amazing, Maureen! Beautiful sketches!

  53. Oh my gosh, this is really amazing. Drawing is NOT my strong suit, so I'm always amazed by those who can draw so well! So... I may be off the mark, but I am definitely hoping this leads to some fabric designing!

  54. really late to commenting, but I hope this means you'll be designing fabric. :))))


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