Thursday, May 17, 2012

Color Inspiration : :

Several weeks ago when I had my Handmade Giveaway and had asked what you would like to see more of here on my blog, one of the most popular responses I received was for me to share more of my thoughts on color choices and how I put fabrics together.


I've been thinking about this ever since. It's a challenge for me to explain exactly where inspiration comes from. The easiest answer would be to say "from EVERYWHERE" and that would absolutely be the truth, although not very helpful. So... I decided, the best way for me to share my thoughts and reasons for choosing colors would be to break it down to the individual bundle and/or project, in a new blog post dedicated to just that. Just as I was doing with my Color or Tuesday Inspiration posts.

color inspiration -- Mustard, Green, Aqua,
 Blue, Grey, & Black
Vintage Tea Time * Pompoms * Triangle Quilt * Pyrex Cup & Saucer * Fabrics
Houses Quilt * Black & White Quilt * Bedroom * Scandinavian Print
Blue Bowls * Print * Chevron Block * Catherineholm Platter

Today, I thought a great place to start would be my most recent stashed bundle that I had put together for The Intrepid Thread fabric shop.

New Art Gallery Fabrics -- so pretty!

It's a stack of golden yellows, spring greens, aqua blues, shades of gray, and black that was very much inspired by one of the things I love to collect -- Vintage Pyrex.

Olive, Mustard Yellow, & Aqua
Aqua, Blue, & Black
Mustard Yellow, Avacodo, & Aqua
Blue Snowflake

I love my collection and collecting things in general. The colors and prints in each of these special pieces inspires me in many ways, just as the mosaic above does -- bursting full of more kitchen collectables and quilt-y goodness! 

How about you? What's inspiring you these days? What colors are you loving together?

p.s. Be sure to stop back from my new fabric giveaway beginning tomorrow morning! Here's a peek!!


  1. Choosing colours and putting fabrics together is one of my favourite parts of sewing. Lately I am really loving navy blue and pastel together. Lavender + white + grey is inspiring me too. I love the collection you put together, and your pyrex collection is enviable!

  2. You have a great collection! I love your mosaic! x Teje

  3. Lately I've been mixing greens and browns. Not too exciting but they work perfecty for little stuffed toys, like chameleons and dinosaurs (two things I'm nuts for right now).

    Patterns, too. I like to find a pattern I like and then create a stuffed toy around it.

  4. I have many of the same pyrex that you do - a few were actually my Mom's. Never thought to use dishes or collections for fabric ideas - thanks.


  5. I majored in fashion, so color combos have always been a "hobby." Always having to pinch pennies helps too...necessity is the mother of invention they say ;) My favorite combo lately is pastel pink, soft yellow and a little bit of lavender. Or sage, cream, chocolate brown and hot pink. Or blue and orange, or coral and teal, or yellow and gray... I find inspiration everywhere. Crate and Barrel catalog, the corner of JCPenneys with stacks of towels, paint chips while my husband is putzing at the hardware store, the label of my multi-vitamins, handful of markers in my kitchen drawer. Oops. sorry, I tend to get long winded :)

  6. Your pyrex collection is inspiring! I wonder if my husband would be happy if I switched my obsession from fabric stashign to pyrex? What am I saying - I could never give up fabric, I'd have to start a second hobby of collecting pyrex! Love the colors of your pyrex, no wonder they inspire fabric bundles!

  7. I've never really thought about the patterns on Pryex but when you display it like that - they are so colourful and fun! Love them. I'm a big fan normally of purples and reds, but with the summer months i'm loving bright wild, loud colours!

  8. Those colors are very inspiring and I think the prints on your Pyrex would make some beautiful fabric designs as well! =D

  9. Seriously!!!!!! OMG! I'm dying. Honestly. I'm moving into your house. I've said it before.....awesome! Love your pyrex collection. Does your pyrex wanna come hang with my pyrex?

  10. My family is dictating what I love right now, with 2 weddings and 2 new grandchildren, Gotta love what they give me.. PINK 1st, One wedding is Navy and Tangerine, the colors I fell in love with this year. I love to watch what you put together for my sewing since I am learning.thank you

  11. What a fabulous pyrex collection. My mom still uses hers and I'm just waiting for her to pass the pieces down. She doesn't think they're anything special though!
    The color combo inspiring me right now is purple, yellow and orange. Really different for me!

  12. Love your collections - Pyrex and fabrics.
    I'm liking aqua a lot these days. Pantone may not agree with that choice--it's just such a nice, calm, refreshing, summery color.

  13. You know, this really makes me think. I have quite a collection of photos I've pulled from interior design magazines over the years, and sometimes it's the colors and not the rooms themselves that I love.
    With websites like (and I know there are other ways to pull the colors from a picture to make a palette too) there's no reason I can't try a bit harder to learn how to pull my own bundles together for projects.
    I'm taking Rachel's hand stitching class at Stitched in Color and I was really feeling at a loss for how to choose the fabrics for that particular quilt. The likelihood was that I might've just started from that Intrepid Thread bundle and went from I'll find a picture with some of those colors in it, make my own palette and some of those fabrics will just HAPPEN to find their way into the quilt....

  14. Blues are always my favourite. I go through phases where I love other colours, but always end up with the blues. Usually, falling around the royal and navy ranges. Your bright colour choices are very inspiring to me.

  15. Maureen Cracknell, the inspiration I get from you is never ending!! THANK YOU!

  16. That's crazy. I JUST put some of those together as a bundle from Pink Castle. I don't know if they are going to use it because I sent them a few, but it was my favorite. I have them on Flickr, if you want to see which ones I made.

  17. oh look at all of that beautiful color! i didn't know you collect vintage pyrex! i have been collecting fabric... lots of it! ;)

  18. I'm going crazy for red and turquoise lately. I want to paint the walls in my studio a very pale turquoise and use the red I already have in place. It's just so much work to move everything. I'd rather sew or stamp.

    Love your blog and projects so much.


  19. You've got quite the collection of pyrex! I think one of the best parts of sewing or any crafting, for that matter, is playing with the media. So, with fabric, I like to just pair fabrics and see what works. I'm often surprised by combinations that come out of it. I agree, though; sometimes it's hard to put a finger on it!

  20. "ooooooooooohhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh" is what I said all the way through your montage.. I just like picking fabrics that are pretty to me, but I truly love the way that you translate real life into art - amazing!

  21. Love the mosaic and all the pyrex! Wish we got it over hear. I've seen people buying the coolest looking dishes, with such great colour ranges!
    I haven't based a lot of the things I've made on colour...I go by prints half the time and random scrappy looks =D

  22. Love all the colours in the pyrex. I do like a rainbow of colours, anything bright, but I love the calmness of that top mosaic, and freakily just finished making a block for someone where I had to pick the colours, in exactly those colours!

  23. I tend to rely on nature's color scheme. I am so partial to greens. But lots of bright tulip colors go with green. Pink, yellow, red, or the purples of crocus and hyacinth. Yummy!

  24. You are tugging at my 'color love strings' - love this so much! beautiful.

  25. I like aqua & red. I also like bright colors.

  26. Your pyrex collection is awesome. What a beautiful rainbow of colors. I would love to have the aqua dishes :-)

  27. I collect Fiestaware and Pyrex. I have 21 colors of Fiestaware so I have a very plain butcher block dining room table and I also keep my kitchen pretty neutral and the Fiestaware colors brighten it up. I also have a really cute multicolored felt ball trivet that brightens up my kitchen island.

  28. I meant to write, I just love this mosaic, especially the house (saltbox?) quilt! And you vintage pyrex collection is gorgeous. I had to leave my turquoise farmer and wife back in the US when I moved over to Sweden and I have regretted it ever since.
    My latest inspiration these days is cobblestones and cracks, falling down barns and old farm sheds. Not the colors, but the line.

  29. I agree with you, vintage Pyrex is an amazing color inspiration. I collect, too, and am always in awe of the colors they came up with. You have a nice collection going. Love the balloons :)

  30. i love the vintage pyrex!!! so pretty, and you can't beat the colours. ;)


  31. شركة مكافحة حشرات
    تهتم شركة قمم التميز باعمال الرش والقضاء على الحشرات المنزلية فمهما كانت المعاناة ومهما كانت كمية الحشرات التى تعانى منها فتعاون مع افضل شركة تهتم بهذه الخدمة الان شركة مكافحة حشرات بالباحة
    الحشرات المنزلية من المشكلات التى تعانى منها البيوت ، وخصوص فى المناطق المرتفعة فيها الحرارة ، وحيث تنشر الحشرات فى المنزل وقد تسبب متاعب كثيرة وأمراض خطيرة .
    وللحماية منزلك من الحشرات ومنع دخولها ويمكن ان نطرح بعض النصائح :
    *الحرص على النظافة الدائمة للمنزل ،
    *التهوية الجيدة لغرف المنزل ودخول أشعة الشمس لقتل الحشرات التى لا ترى إلا بالعين المجردة .
    *التخلص من القمامة أول بأول حتى لا تكون عرضه للأنتشار الحشرات .
    نتظيف خزانات الطعام وتهويتها جيدة، والتخلص من الفضلات ، وغلق المحكم للبرطمانات للطعام التى تواجد فى خزانة حتى لا تكون مصدر لتسرب الحشرات .
    *وضع سلك شبكة صغير الحجم على النوافذ والأبواب ، وسد الثقوب والشقوق بالأسمنت اوجبس ،لكى لا تتسرب الحشرات منها . شركة رش مبيدات بالباحة
    *تنظيف الأطباق وأوانى الطعام بعد استعمالها مباشرة ، لأنها قد تسبب فى خروج الحشرات من المكان التى تعيش فيه .
    *عدم ترك فضلات الطعام على مائدة الطعام ، وتنظيف بصفة دورية تمنع من أنتشار الحشرات والوقاية منها .
    وهناك حشرات متعددة قد تسبب للأنسان أزعاج دائم ومنها : النمل والصراصير والبق والذباب والناموس والفئران .
    النمل نوعان * النمل عادى مصدر غذائه فضلات الطعام ويعيش فى ثقوب وشقوق المنزل مكافحة النمل الابيض بالباحة
    والنمل الأبيض يسمى ( العتة) وهو يحتاج إلى طعام الدائم لكى يبقى على قيد الحياة ، مصدر غذائه السكر (الجلكوز) الموجود فى الخشب ، و المتواجد فى الأبواب والنوافذ والأثاث ، وقد يسبب خطر كبير على منزلك فالنمل الأبيض يعمل ممرات ويقوم بتأسيس بيت له أسفل المنزل ، ويكون دمار بمرور الوقت وأضرار فادحة لايمكن اصلاحها إلا بعد فوات الآوان .
    ويمكن التخلص من النمل الأبيض برش مبيدات كيمائية مخصص لها أثناء بناء الأثاث فى الأرض ، وعند تركيب الأبواب التأكيد من أغلاق جميع الفتحات فى جوانب الباب وألأفضل تركيب الأبواب بالمفاصل وليس بالمواد اللزقة ، وعند شراء الأثاث الضغط على الخشب وتأكد مدى قوتها وعدم أصابتها بالنمل الأبيض .
    أما النمل العادى التى يتواجد المطبخ يمكن التخلص منه بقليل من الصودا المخلوطة بالسكر وضعها فى الثقوب والفتحات التى تخرج منها فالنمل يموت فى الحال .
    فى خزانة الطعام نضع فيها قليل من القهوة المرة أو الفلفل غير المطحون فهو يخلصك من النمل نهائيا وكذلك الحشرات الأخرى .
    والصراصير لمنعها من أنتشارها فى المنزل يمكن سد البالوعات والمراحيض فى الليل ، صب المحاليل السامة أو مشتقات البترول القتلة فى فتحات المراحيض والبالوعات ثم صب ماء عليها فى الصباح.
    ممكن عمل كرات من الدقيق بها مواد سامة أى معجونة بالمبيدات الحشرية ووضعها فى المكان الذى تكثر فيه الصراصير .... وتكون بعيده عن منتاول الأطفال .
    العثة تكثر فى فصل الشتاء بسبب الرطوبة العالية وفيجب تهوية المنزل ، و تهوية الغرفة من المفروشات والوسائد ، والشمس لها أثر فعال على قتل الجراثيم والميكروبات شركة جلي بلاط بالباحة
    وللمحافظة على الملابس من العتة تنظيفها بالفرشاة لأزلة ما يعلق من بويضات أوديدان صغيرة الحجم ، وضع معها قليل النفتالين او الصابون المعطر.


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